Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Some Random Celtics Thoughts- Part 2- A sniper

In the first post of this series, I detailed the approach to team building I've got. Short version... Smart, Brown, Tatum and Grant Williams are the core of this year, and the future, and the Celtics should do everything possible to supplment those guys.

The first type of player that would help is a sharp shooter.

Kemba Walker is obviously on the roster, and word on the street is that he's pretty darn good. When healthy, he's downright unstoppable. So, in general, Kemba can be the right fit here.

But Kemba has some injury concerns, and isn't exactly getting younger.

Because of the financial situation the team is in (Keith Smith breaks it down here), I think it would be beneficial to keep Kemba, and then look to find someone in the draft who could be a fit next to the Core 4. To me, there are a few names that make sense, with Tyrese Haliburton being the absolute perfect fit (the idea of Haliburton and Smart feeding the wings, and cutting hard off of screens from Theis/one of the Williams boys is almost too much for me to take). Assuming no deal to move up in the draft though, Tyrell Terry and Desmond Bane would also be fantastic options.

Going the draft route, however, means the Celtics might not end up with immediate help here. Sure, Walker, Smart and Brown could continually man the guard spots (sometimes with all 3 of them on the court), but this set up allows Walker to be targeted late in games, and requies some really aggressive offense/defense switching when it's close and late. That's not the worst thing in the world.

The Celtics have Brad Wannamaker (if they resign him), Carson Edwards, Tremont Waters... Wannamaker would be nice to have back (Anything is Poddible accurately refers to him as 'sturdy'... which isn't a bad thing for a 4th guard who allows the team enough depth to play 3 guard lineups). Edwards had a good shooting day, once.

Again, the goal is to find someone who can fit in with the Core 4 for this season, and lots more seasons to come. As such, I'm hoping that the C's can unload a few spare parts and find a way to add Haliburton, Bane or Terry.

***I wrote this with the idea that Kemba won't be traded, a position that feels super justifiable. He's an all star, playing on a max contract, and might be viewed as damaged goods by other teams. That said, if Danny gets a deal that makes sense, we'd need to be in the market for a sniper that can help in the near term. Assuming there isn't a guard coming back in the Walker deal, my fallback option (borrowed from the Athletic), is Langston Galloway. He'd be a strong 6th man who can fit into a couple different versions of small ball for the Celtics.

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