Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So, go Buckeyes?

When I started this blog, it was with the idea of borrowing Joe Posnanski's approach. Write lot's about baseball, but throw in some other stuff too.

Last night, Ohio State won a national championship in college football, based largely on the Herculian effort of Zeke Elliot (250 yards and 4 TD's... the last of which felt a little bit like a big brother running up the score on his little brother in Madden).

The Buckeyes were the best team on the field, and Elliot + his blockers really carried the day.

Watching early, it felt an awful lot like the Giants against the Bills all those years ago (Bills fans still cringe when they hear the words 'Wide Right' and refer to their kicker as 'Scott NorWouldn't'). Congrats to the Buckeyes, and the city of Columbus, which must be in a frenzy.

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