Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wrapping up the 2014 draft

***Let me start by saying... ugh! Occasionally, you see a name, and somehow manage to think he is someone else. In my last post, I mentioned Chanlder Shephard as a SS/RHP guy drafted by the Reds... and yeah. I wasn't in the ball park. I was thinking of Cory Thompson, drafted a year earlier (hindsighting is a pain). My apologies for the mistake. Won't happen again, because I'll be posting these in advance of drafts. For starters my 11th round pick: I don't have a player. Some years, there is an obvious choice (or 2), but in 2014, I don't have one. Tuem in during the 2015 draft, and Ill hopefully be doing a John Sickels like shadow draft. For 14... I am out. For the rest of the draft, I'm desperately hoping that some of my Binkys, guys who won't be drafted until later but, you know, may have a chance migt be available. To be honest, Kevin McAvoy and Grant Kay (referenced here) started out as binky players, and in truth, may have only been promoted to tier 3 because one of them (McAvoy) was drafted far earlier than expected (Kay could have stayed a binky pick). Anyway, on to players who I would have included:
  1. Jared Ruxer- This guy, an RHP from Louisville, may become a work horse... or he may falter entirely. Ruxer is big (he was also a tight end in highschool) and went through some injury concerns, but at his best, he is a big guy with good stuff, and potentially the ability to throw 200+ innings. He's worth the shot.
  2. Benton Moss He was a college workhorse. Sign me up.
  3. Richard Prigatano- When I played little league, the best players from every team joined up to form an all star team, and play against other all stars across the city. There was a second team, those who weren't quite all stars, but were "pretty ok," called "Best of the Rest." Prigatano could have been captain of the college "Best of the Rest" team. He's got an R/R profile. hasn't hit for as much power or gotten on base as much as you'd like. Heck, he plays a corner position, but no one knows which one. However... I can absolutely see this guy grinding out a career, Trot-Nixon-style (muinus platoon issues), as a valuable contributor to a winning team.
Anyway. that's all for the 2014 draft. Lots more Padres, MLB, and other sports info to follow.

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