Sunday, June 21, 2015

All Star Shananigans

There's a discussion happening about how MLB isn't happy about the way citizens of KC have stuffed the ballot, aiming to answer the question of "what happens if you out Mike Trout on our team?"

(By that, I mean KC has elected the entire starting roster of the Royals as starters in the All Star Game, and added Mike Trout).

MLB is apparently going to disallow many of the votes.

And that stinks.

I love what the fans in KC managed to pull off, and the only people who should be embarrassed are the fan bases for 14 other AL clubs.Seriously Red Sox Nation, we can't bother to go online go vote for Pedroia? Indians fans, no love for Jason Kipnis?Jays fans, Josh Donaldson?

Kudos to KC, and for everyone else, well, let's go root for our hometown team!

The All Start game is supposed to be about what the fans want to see.

Example A:

When MLB Decided this exhibition game needed to mean something, the took away the fun of the game.

Omar Infinte isn't going to turn around and bat opposite handed in this game.

Of course, if MLB has its way, we'll have no idea what Omar is doing, because the leading vote-getter at the Keystone will be watching the game on TV from the comfort of his own home.

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