Monday, June 29, 2015

The Tals Hill Trajesty

Around a month ago, reports surfaced about the fact that the Astros were going to remove Tal's Hill, the oddball patch of grass in center field where Lance Berkman made this amazing catch:

Tal's Hill, like the Green Monster, the Ivy in Wrigley and the Factory in Baltimore, aught to be considered a baseball institution, and something that can't be removed.

More than any other sport, Baseball's home field advantage is truly that... a home field. When the Redsox look for lefty hitters who can go the other way, or the Padres pick up a fly ball starter, it's building to the place where they will spend 81 says or nights in the summer.

And the fall of Tal's Hill removes one of the unique oddities that makes home field home.

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